Harnessing light to develop functional polymeric materials

Research areas
Harnessing the power of light in Photoinduced Electron Transfer-Reversible Addition-Fragmentation Transfer (PET-RAFT) polymerisation. Read More
Using advanced synthetic polymer chemistry to develop new synthetic antimicrobial macromolecules.
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Computation and
Photocatalyst Design
Computer-guided discovery of new efficient/functional photocatalyst and photocatalytic mechanisms.
Combining photopolymerisation with Polymerisation-Induced Self-Assembly (PISA) for the preparation of nanoparticles. Read More
Leveraging oxygen tolerant properties to perform photopolymerisation in multi-well pates or discrete droplets.
Upscaling the production of complex polymer products with photo-flow processing techniques. Read More
Incorporating rapid photoredox RAFT polymerisation in photo-curing 3D printing techniques.
Preparing polymers and nanoparticles from naturally occurring antioxidant polyphenols such as catechin.
Employing NIR-to-UV/visible upconversion nanoparticles to generate in situ UV/visible light for drug delivery.
If you are interested in pursuing a graduate research degree with the Boyer Lab, please contact Prof Cyrille Boyer.
Email: cboyer@unsw.edu.au
Our research is centred on the development of environmentally friendly techniques for the synthesis of functional polymeric materials.
A major focus is photoinduced electron/energy transfer-reversible addition-fragmentation chain transfer (PET-RAFT) polymerisation where we are continuing to develop novel photoredox catalysts.
We are also developing various polymerisation techniques for visible-light-cotrolled radical polymerisation, such as continous flow PET-RAFT polymerisation and high-throughput synthesis of polymers through photopolymerisation in open-air.
Furthermore, we are exploring photopolymerisation in dispersed media for the synthesis of polymeric nanoparticles through polymerisiation-induced self assembly (photo-PISA).
Another focus is adapting the aforementioned techniques to the fabrication of advanced polymeric materials for new synthetic antimicrobial macromolecules.
Group news
February 2024
We bid farewell to Kensuke who is returning to Kyoto after a 6-month research stay with us! It was great to have you and all the best for your future!

December 2023
Congratulations to Tony for being awarded his PhD!
August 2023
Henry and Gervase finally got to celebrate their PhD graduation. Huge congratulations to both for this huge achievement as well as receiving the Dean's Award for their outstanding PhD theses!

December 2023
Congrats to Xiaobing for being awarded his PhD as well as the Dean's Award for Outstanding PhD Thesis!

October 2023
Congrats to Valentin who won a presentation award at the PolyNSW Early Career Researcher Symposium showing his work on 3D printable ceramics!

August 2023
Congratulations to Zilong for obtaining his PhD on the work of photo-RAFT polymerization regulated by NIR light for well-defined polymer synthesis!

We would love to hear from you, please fill out the following form or contact Prof Cyrille Boyer cboyer@unsw.edu.au
Level 3
Science & Engineering Building E8
Centre for Advanced Macromolecular Design
School of Chemical Engineering
The University of New South Wales
Prof Cyrille Boyer
+61 2 9385 5268